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listening arctic monkeys, red right hand
take a little walk to the edge of town
and go across the tracks
where the viaduct looms,
like a bird of doom
as it shifts and cracks
where secrets lie in
the humming wires and
the border fires
well you know you're never comin' back
past the square, past the bridge
past the mills, past the stacks
on a gathering storm comes
a tall handsome man
in a dusty black coat with
a red right hand
he'll wrap you in his arms
and tell you that you've been a good boy
he'll rekindle all of those dreams
it took you a lifetime to destroy
he'll reach deep into the hole,
heal your shrinking soul
and there won't be a single thing
that you can do
he's a god, he's a ghost,
he's a man, he's a guru
they're whispering his name
across this disappearing land
but hidden in his coat
is a red right hand
you haven't got no money?
he'll get you some
if you haven't got no car,
he'll get you one
you've got no self-respect,
you feel like an insect
well don't you worry buddy,
'cause here he comes
through the ghetto and the barrio
and the bowery and the slum
a shadow is cast wherever he stands
stacks of green paper in his
red right hand
you'll see him in your nightmares,
you'll see him in your dreams
he'll appear out of nowhere but
he's not what he seems
you'll see him in your head and
on the TV screen
hey buddy, I'm warning
you to turn it off
he's a ghost, he's a god,
he's a man, he's a guru
you're one microscopic cog
in his catastrophic plan
designed and directed by
his red right hand
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
and go across the tracks
where the viaduct looms,
like a bird of doom
as it shifts and cracks
where secrets lie in
the humming wires and
the border fires
well you know you're never comin' back
past the square, past the bridge
past the mills, past the stacks
on a gathering storm comes
a tall handsome man
in a dusty black coat with
a red right hand
he'll wrap you in his arms
and tell you that you've been a good boy
he'll rekindle all of those dreams
it took you a lifetime to destroy
he'll reach deep into the hole,
heal your shrinking soul
and there won't be a single thing
that you can do
he's a god, he's a ghost,
he's a man, he's a guru
they're whispering his name
across this disappearing land
but hidden in his coat
is a red right hand
you haven't got no money?
he'll get you some
if you haven't got no car,
he'll get you one
you've got no self-respect,
you feel like an insect
well don't you worry buddy,
'cause here he comes
through the ghetto and the barrio
and the bowery and the slum
a shadow is cast wherever he stands
stacks of green paper in his
red right hand
you'll see him in your nightmares,
you'll see him in your dreams
he'll appear out of nowhere but
he's not what he seems
you'll see him in your head and
on the TV screen
hey buddy, I'm warning
you to turn it off
he's a ghost, he's a god,
he's a man, he's a guru
you're one microscopic cog
in his catastrophic plan
designed and directed by
his red right hand
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Dio, 'sto coso mi pesa da morire trattarlo anche solo come blog, ormai D:
[ EDIT: ciononostante, credo che questo sia
il post più lungo che sia mai stato scritto. ]
Dio, con Elisa è stato mille volte più semplice, e continuo ad essere tremendamente arrabbiata ogni volta che penso a come sono andate a finire le cose con lei.
Con lei non ho sofferto poi molto quand'è finita, perché lo sapevo da marzo, sicuramente da prima. Così, però, è
Mi sono ustionata il labbro con nonsochecosa, e so che non mi libererò mai del tutto della Mela Caramellata dell'Oblio.
Domani sono alla mostra del libro, poi sto con la Cì (e assolutamente più importante con la Mammacì, che mi manca più di qualsiasi altra cosa al mondo *__*), e sto ancora pensando a cosa voglio fare per Halloween. A sentire suonare gli idioti proprio non c'ho voglia di andare, e l'Irish Gothic non mi va più tanto, e andare al cinema con la famiglia è triste. Sicuramente all'Alcatraz non ci voglio andare, cheppalle, ci tengo all'integrità strutturale della mia gabbia toracica.
Bah, devo vedeeeere.
Posso semplicemente fare la nerd, solo per un pochino?
Mi sono fatta convincere dalla solita ignora Giulia-A. a continuare a guardare elementary, sicura che avrebbe continuato a repellermi. Mi sbagliavo all'infinito.
Sono ancora, tipo, all'episodio terzo, però--me ne sono bastati due per innamorarmi perdutamente della dinamica fra Sherlock e Joan, che mi ricorda tremendamente la serie Granada: tantissima routine da coppia sposata, e la morte della tensione sessuale. Dio, dove devo firmare perché continui così per sempre? =ç=
Poi, la possibilità che 'Ty sia Moriarty mi fa-- delle cose. Delle cose belle. Dentro.
“Come on, John. You should probably see the rest of the flat before you make your decision.” Sherlock says, tugging his arm gently.
John gives a small laugh, allowing himself to be lead. “I can't imagine why I'd say no at this point. Unless you've begun... I don't know, keeping dead bodies in the fridge or something.”
Sherlock glances over his shoulder, down to John, and quirks his eyebrow. He doesn't say anything else. John's brows furrow. “You don't keep dead bodies in the fridge.” he states, but his tone is unsure.
“Entire bodies? Don't be foolish. The refrigerator is much too small to house entire corpses.”
“I'd rather show you the accommodations.”
Fonte: TO POISONS AND THEIR ANTIDOTES di thegirlinthedeathfrisbee
Verrà una cosa carina, alla quale vorrò molto bene, se continuo così. Ho la vaga impressione di non volerla mettere per iscritto, lavorando unicamente a una presentazione powerpoint e a una mappa da mettere in mano alla commissione.
Verrà una cosa carina, alla quale vorrò molto bene, e interamente blu.
Ne sto ovviamente approfittando per riguardarmi puntualmente e da principio la nuova era del Doctor Who, questa volta facendo attenzione alla trama XD Se ho tempo e voglia voglio regalarmi qualche saga con un compagno maschile, perché Rory è troppo magnifico per essere l'unico della sua specie D:
Sterek, e Jeff Davis. E Colton Haynes.
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